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Child welfare

Child welfare efforts protect children’s rights

The duty of child welfare authorities is to ensure that children grow up in a safe environment. Society must provide adequate resources and appropriate conditions for child welfare operations. Child welfare efforts are successful when the services for children and families work in sync and every child and family receives the support and help that they require. Child welfare concerns all of us.

What do we do?

The Central Union for Child Welfare engages in specialist work to develop the quality of child welfare operations. We conduct surveys on child welfare, gather information and lobby to influence legislation. We organise annual training events for child protection professionals, and we work with other organisations in the field at national and international level. We promote the development of conditions for high-quality child welfare services and for the fulfilment of children’s rights as well as the engagement of children and parents in child protection activities.

Child welfare operations fulfil a public service mission, the objective of which is to ensure balanced development and well-being of children.


Child welfare services are divided into child- and family-specific and preventive child welfare operations. Preventive child welfare in the broad sense refers to all public services that support the well-being of children, young people and families. Depending on the customer-specific plan, children and families are supported by either open care, substitute care or after-care services. 

You will find more information on our theme page on child welfare in Finnish..

Illustrated family of five hugging each other in front of a big red heart.

Information on services and support for families in Finland in several languages

The website provides basic information on services for families with children in Finland in several languages. The website is aimed specifically at immigrant parents and professionals who work with them.

Our articles

You will find all our news, press releases, blogs, positions and statements on our pages in Finnish.

Our articles (in Finnish)

Our publications

Our publications are for the most part free of charge and written in Finnish. We also have some publications in Swedish and English. Read more!

Our publications (in Finnish)

Contact us!

You will find our detailed contact information on our pages in Finnish. Contact us, if you have any questions.

Contact information (in Finnish)

Experts working on the subject

Annukka Paasivirta

Johtaja, ohjelma- ja vaikuttamistyö

Anna Tiili (vapaalla)


044 491 8326

Julia Kuokkanen


Kaisu Muuronen

Erityisasiantuntija, kehittämispäällikkö

050 569 6697

Riikka Westman


040 575 9115
